Bamboo paper soup pot 360 ml

Bamboo paper pot.
Adapted to your streetfood services, to take away as well as delivered.
To facilitate their transport, our pots can be coupled with a bamboo paper lid.
Pieces per pack: 500
Pieces per inner pack: 25
Material: Bamboo paper
Dimensions: Ø 9 cm, h. 9 cm
Color: Beige
Quantity (pack of 500 pieces)

We can customize your product : Find our process
  • Reusable : NON Can be washed and used multiple times.
  • Recyclable : OUI Discarded whilst sorting, revalued materials, and gives life to new products.
  • Compostable : NON The capacity to dissolve naturally in the presence of micro-organisms, in a humid and warm environment. The compost will subsequently feed the soil.
  • Biodegradable : NON Organic matter capable of decomposing in a favorable environment in less than one year, without any adverse effects on the environment.